300 g (11 îz,) boneless mutton, sheep's intestines, 1 spleen, 200 g (7 oz.) lungs, 1 kidney, 100 g (3 1/2 îz.) mutton fat, 3 onions, 1 cup rice, salt, black pepper, cumin.
For the stuffing, finely dice mutton, fat, spleen, lang kigney and onions or put through a meat-grinder. Add pre-soaked rice, spices, salt, pepper and a bit of water to meat mixture and combine well. Clean intestines in cold water, rub in salt, and rinse. Repeat the process 2-3 times. Tie one end of sheep's intestines with a thread and hold open end with funnel inserted. Fill entire length of intestine with stuffing, and tie end, leaving a little space for expansion of the filling while cooking. Cook whole intestine 1-2 hours in a large soup kettle on very low heal. Carefully remove the intestine and strain the broth. Return kettle to stove for another 20-25, adding your favorite vegetables and spices and more water if necessary. Allow sausage to cool, slice into individual portions, and pour soup into bowls. Serve garnished with chopped onions.
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